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Habil. Bernd Blobel


Habil. Bernd Blobel

University of Regensburg, Germany

Abstract Title: Challenges and solutions for managing healthcare transformation to personalized, preventive, predictive, participative precision medicine ecosystems


Dr. Bernd Blobel received a multi-disciplinary education, covering mathematics, physics, systems engineering, electronics, medicine, informatics and medical informatics, including habilitations in medicine and informatics. He was Head of the Institute for Biometrics and Medical Informatics at the University of Magdeburg, and thereafter Head of the Health Telematics Project Group at the Fraunhofer IIS in Erlangen. Thereafter, he acted until his retirement as Head of the German National eHealth Competence Center at the University of Regensburg. He was leadingly involved in many countries health digitalization as well as electronic health record strategy. He was and is still engaged in international standardization at ISO, CEN, HL7, OMG, IEEE etc. Furthermore, he still engaged in international higher education. He is Fellow of several international academies.

Research Interest:

For realizing pervasive and ubiquitous as well as individualized and efficient health and social care services, health and social care system have to undergo an organizational, methodological and technological transformation towards personalized, participative, preventive, predictive precision medicine. Thereby, they have to advance from data to knowledge focus. For designing and managing the resulting highly complex, interdisciplinary, distributed and dynamic ecosystem, we must consistently and formally represent the system and its components at the required level of granularity from the perspective of all actors from different domains including the subject of care, using different methodologies, knowledge, language and experiences. This must be done, using a system-theoretical, architecture-centered, ontology-based and policy-driven approach. Over the last 30 years, the author developed the necessary model and framework, which is meanwhile standardized as ISO 23903 Interoperability and Integration Reference Architecture. The approach has been defined as mandatory for any specification or project at ISO, CEN, IEEE, etc. addressing more than one domain. The presented approach enables design, implementation and management of any health and social care systems as well as knowledge-based communication and cooperation of all actors involved. The Keynote introduces necessary standards and methodologies for designing and managing 5P medicine ecosystems as well as practical examples.