Sofica C Bistriceanu
Academic Medical Unit - CMI, Romania
Abstract Title: People's relations influence their health
Dr. Sofica Bistriceanu studied in Romania at the ‘Gr. T. Popa’ Iasi University, and graduated as MD in 1984, research in family medicine, Maastricht University, 2000, Ph.D. in 2009, Iasi, at the same institution. She joined the European, American, Asian Primary Care Research Group, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, APTR, IHI, NICHQ, EPCCS, EURACT, WONCA Meetings. Dr Sofica Bistriceanu is the author of more than 80 research studies shared abroad and received awards for some of them. She is a member of Academy for Professionalism in Health Care, a member of The Journal of Patient Experience (JPX) Editorial Review Board, and an Associate Editor of PriMera Scientific Publication. Dr. Sofica Bistriceanu is the representative of the Academic Medical Unit located in NT, ROU. She is the author of seven volumes of poems published by Chronica Iasi Publishing House, and Time, Iasi Publishing House.
Research Interest:
People interact in person or virtually to exchange goods and services of interest, as no one can possess or know everything. How they do that significantly impacts their personal, professional, or social lives.
Attaining expertise in a specific domain, sharing the products’ quality, adjusting prices to the customers’ needs and financial capacity, building trustworthy relationships with collaborators, partners, and end users, providing compassionate care, sharing the presence well, and adhering to social norms contribute to a successful existence.
People’s interactions play a crucial role in shaping individual life trajectories. Both verbal and nonverbal communication skills significantly influence health outcomes. Inappropriate words and attitudes can lead to disappointment among partners, reducing their willingness to continue collaborating. Consequently, they may seek alternative contributors, which can diminish the return on the provider’s investment, finally affecting their practice standing. Clinical evidence indicates that people’s exposure to unsafe words energy can disturb their inner life, potentially leading to a range of disorders, including arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep disturbances, depression, and even brain haemorrhage or tumours in vulnerable individuals. Additionally, deceptive people’s interactions can affect their loved ones and other community members, negatively impacting their health, the production process, and societal advancement.
Promoting respectful and trustworthy relationships, using friendly attitudes, kind words, and compassion enhances well-being in both professional and social life.
In contrast, cool-hearted work reduces patient adherence to the therapy plans, resulting in poor clinical outcomes and a negative reputation for the provider, which alters their financial capacity, business prospects, and career advancement.
Burnout frequently leads to errors in practice that affect both the end users and the creators of errors.
At the end of this presentation, the audience will be able to recognize the relevance of communication skills for individual health understand how improper communication negatively impacts personal inner life and the functioning of vulnerable bodily systems.
Learn how effectively / professionally sharing and selling products can enhance professional and social life.
Thank you.